Yesterday was mine and Dan's 4th anniversary! I can't believe it's been 4 years already, it's gone by so fast and has been so much fun! We didn't do a whole lot for it - Dan's been working a ton of extra hours and he even had to work all day Sunday so he's been exhausted. We went to dinner (a little late) at Ambrosia, which we've been wanting to try for awhile, and it was pretty good. Then we just came home and hung out and went to bed early. We're party animals! Dan brought me home 2 dozen roses, which are so beautiful! I was so excited! For our presents to each other, we preordered Rock Band for the Wii. It comes out later this month, and we're so excited! I just have to take a second and mention how much I appreciate Dan. He works so hard so that we can live a nice life and I'm so grateful for that! He's so much fun and we've had a great 4 years! Thanks, Dan! I love you!
Happy Anniversary! Yesterday! I am glad that you guys love Oregon so much. We are very excited to come out. Just one more week!
I think that's an excellent anniversary present! :)
Yay, you're back! Glad you guys had a nice anniversary. Don't the years just fly? Love the roses and your gift to each other. Classic.
Hey, I think your anniversary sounds really nice :) I can't believe it's been 4 yrs either! It feels like just barely we were at the SL temple for your bridals, with the wind not cooperating at all! Fun times :) I'm glad you had a good Memorial Day weekend, and yes, I think you are spoiled living by the coast! Seems like you're always going someplace fun!
Darn! You just missed being married on the PERFECT and TRUE day! (our anniversary is tomorrow) :) Happy Being Married Day!
Happy Anniversary! The time does fly!
Your weekend sounded fun! I'm glad you enjoy living so close to the coast. It's okay to be spoiled sometimes! :)
Congrats you guys! Sounds like you had a great time. You are such a cute couple, we really enjoy your friendship.
Dan, you kick butt at Dr. Mario, I had no idea that you'd be so tough to beat.
I need to add on to my comment-Dan may be tough to beat on Dr. Mario, but it's impossible to beat Angie, wow...she's really good. Thanks for playing with us last night.
Happy Anniversary!! I really miss all the pretty scenery in Oregon! It's been way too long since we were there. Maybe some time we'll drop by and visit you!!
Happy Anniversary! Your anniversary celebration sounds like ours usually are. :) Sometimes going to bed early sounds a lot better than any party or celebration does.
I can't believe you've been married four years!! That flew by! I laughed at the "party animals" comment. Sounds about right! But I wouldn't trade my boring life for anything in the world. You guys sound happy. I love reading your blog.
Sorry I missed your anniversary...but Happy Belated Anniversary anyway! The roses are BEAUTIFUL!!! You are so lucky to live in such a pretty place and so close to the ocean! (But I miss seeing you as often, although it's always nice when you do come here and visit Jen!) I love your blog! Love you guys!
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