January 3, 2010


One thing that I absolutely LOVE about Drew is that he is such a snuggler! He loves to snuggle into my chest and just look around or look at me. He looks so intently like he's trying to figure everything out or trying to tell me something. I took this picture with my phone so the quality is really bad, but wouldn't you just love to have this sweet face looking up at you??


the splendid life of us... said...

he is seriously so adorable! I love that you are finally posting about your baby boy on your blog. I hope he gets better fast so you can enjoy him at home!

Camille said...

That makes me so happy!

stephschmidt said...

I know I already talked to you about this, but I can honestly see in his eyes how much he loves you! It just melts my heart - I love it! I'm so grateful you're home!!

stephschmidt said...

And I love your background :)

the splendid life of us... said...

I am sure that you are trying to enjoy every little second with Drew, especially now that he is home from the hospital. But seriously I need me a Drew fix, need pictures.....!

Michelle said...

So sweet! I love that little boy!